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We work with ages 1-21, in home and in clinic. 

How much and how long do children need ABA therapy?

Research supports "focused" and "comprehensive" ABA which consists of 15-40 hours per week of ABA. Please click HERE for more information on the dosage and benefit of ABA. ABA is an on-going therapy that can change and grow with your child to cater to their ever-changing needs as they continue to grow older. It can be as little as 6-months, but as much as 3+ years.

What about school?

Children should be able to get the best of both worlds! Compulsory age for school is 5/6 (1st grade) in Nebraska. W, It is further important to know that it is perfectly fine  to opt for half school days, dual enrollment (homeschool with chosen public school courses with IEP services), focus on ABA and if wanted IEP services through public school, or attend private school (many allow us in), or homeschooling groups/coops with our support as needed. We have staff who are very familiar with all parent/guardian options to help your child succeed. Since ABA is a medically necessary treatment, we can provide excused absences.

How can I get services in school?

We love to collaborate to the best of our ability! Here is information to help obtain Medically-Necessary ABA in-school settings: Click HERE, HERE, and HERE.

How Does Funding Work?

We are in-network with Medicaid Heritage (United, Molina, Total Care), as well as most private insurances. Hours recommended are based off research, previous ABA, age, diagnosis criteria, and our assessments.

About Us

FBS is owned and operated by a Nebraska born and raised BCBA

whose direct impact with Autism and the lack of resources for

the Autism community developed a passion in reaching those

who need like-minded support.

Our Philosophy

Focused puts dignity at the forefront. We put attending above eye contact, engage in stims along with the children, and are not intending to take away the Autism or individual characteristics, but to merely help individuals be the best they can be while retaining the essence of who they are, as Temple Grandin says.

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